I was looking through the Internet one evening last week and ended up on the Boston marathon website. I don't know why I went to their site, just following a link or something like that I guess. Looking at the required qualifying times, I had previously thought that by my standards they were way too fast, I was astounded to find that if I hit my target time for Dublin that I would qualify for Boston.
Boston, hmmm !!! The seed was sown......
I must admit I would really fancy running Boston.
I really didn't know whether to mention the Boston idea here but then I thought, "why not, maybe it will push me a bit harder"
My target time for Dublin was set, in my head, many months ago.
It is substantially faster than last years time but something within my capabilities or so I thought.
With one week to go I'm suffering total taper madness, among other things my sleep pattern is gone to hell and I'm feeling tired most of the time, the complete opposite to what I should feel.
I don't remember last year being like this, maybe next year I'll need to look back on this to remind me of the madness.
The fact that it has a name or many names, taper blues, taper madness etc, etc. doesn't make the doubts and niggles any easier to deal with.
I'm wondering about the wisdom of a low mileage programme, the blisters on my left heal, the quad injury, my 10 mile run today didn't feel as easy as it should have been, 10 miles, ONLY 10 miles, for gods sake it should have been a total stroll in the park at this stage. It goes on and on.
I don't want to sound like a total moaner but I'm hoping that by keeping a record it may help for next time....if there is a next time !!
I know once the race starts everything will fall into place and I would like to finish my Dublin marathon report with ..... It was easier than I expected .......... (is that tempting fate?)
Other Funny Accents
6 days ago
Good Luck! Boston is awesome, but even more so if you struggle for a few marathons to reach the qualifying standard.
(Awesome as in experience and especially crowd support. The marathon course itself is brutal!)
Thanks for the input Thomas.
I'll certainly struggle but hopefully I will make it this DCM.
BTY love your blog. It has inspired me on more than one occassion.
Sounds like a great plan. I am sure you will do fine. P.S. Fix the weather for Monday. At least the wind.
I have arranged for a beautiful, calm, sunny day about 50f.
I had to call in a few favours for that ;-) Hope I'm not let down !!
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