Takes a while to load but worth the wait ....

This is me ---------------->>>>>

And so it begins. Standing on a beach with a bunch of other nutters, waiting for the off.
We are the second wave to go. There is a bit of banter but most people are bit tense at this point.
Away we go along the beach and up through the dunes to the tarmac road. Even at this early stage the group has strung out over quite a distance. The road takes a sharp left and continues uphill for a while. Cheering, clapping and shouts of encouragement from the next group at this point is a great buzz.
I knew that we would have to gain height but I was a little shocked to find that I was running back down to sea level.
Over a wire fence and onto the first off road hill/mountain.
Bog, running water, loose stones all combined to make this section hurt more than I would have liked at this early stage. I still managed to get some photos and another competitor offer to take my photo, fair play to him.
A tight right calf was worrying but it seemed to go quickly as I wondered whether I was going to do the downhill on my head or on my arse. I was so glad that I have invested in cross-trainers as the surface was a greasy mix of mud, grass, rocks and water, the guys in road shoes were really having problems.
I was totally surprised to see Kevin just ahead of me, normally I see Kev at the start of a race then he disappears into the distance and that's the last I see of him until after the finish line.
I must have made up some good time on the bike.
Kev is half man half mountain goat and I managed to get some video of him descending on the loose rocks near the summit to prove it.
The options on the ascent were to head to the right away from the summit and take the less steep route to the pilgrims track or take the steeper, boggy route to the left. I opted for the more direct route as did most other competitors.
The first section is soft, boggy and covered with heather. It is steep but soft underfoot. The fun really starts when you get on the pilgrims track. This is made up of a mixture of various sized rocks from pebbles to large stones and some dusty and extremely slippery bare sections.
I stumbled, slipped and tripped my way up, managing to stop occasionally to take video of the magnificent scenery
I eventually made it to the summit and here a strange transaction occurred. I turned into a tourist. I wandered around taking video clips and photos, I admired the view and I got some random person (non competitor) to take my photo.
This one here ---->
Islands in Clew bay in the backround
Eventually I got moving again. The descent on the pilgrims path was nuts, I don't know how some people managed to run down this without killing themselves. I slipped onto my arse on numerous occasions and was grateful not to fall head first at any point. It was easier once I got back on the heather section but I still didn't dare run until nearly back to the transition area.
I took my time getting back on the bike, it was nice to travel downhill. It was a short spin to the left turn that was the start of the track over the hill towards Westport. On way up to Croagh Patrick I had seen some of the first wave arrive at this point and immediately jump off their bikes and run the track. I figured they knew what they were doing so I did the same. While running along the track I was checking the surface. A case of "ahh fuck it I can cycle this" overcame me. Various stages of on, off and half on the bike followed. On some of the muddy sections I totally lost traction on the back wheel and pushed along one legged scooter like.
I was running one section keeping pace with a guy frantically peddling his mountain bike, he only went ahead of me when I stopped to remount my bike. As for remounting, it was a nightmare. I had swopped to toe clips for the event but the rough sole on my cross-trainers refused to slide into the clips which meant I had to try to lean down and use my hand to hold the clip. This is not really a problem on roads but I was travelling just above stalling speed all the while trying not to fall on my snot on the rocks and mud.
The downhill was too much for me - I nearly shit myself - back to running. I stepped aside to let 1 or 2 mountain bike pass, then I moved aside for another bike, a brief conversation ensued. It was something like this:
Cyclist: Thanks
Me: Jaysus, you're brave doing this on a road bike.
Cyclist: I hate running - ahh fuck, shit Ohh jaysus.
His last sentence was roared in panic as he slid sideways and weaved across the track. He did really well to stay upright, brave man.
Eventually it was out onto something that passes as a road in the west. I was nervous on the downhill bends as the road was obviously greasy and wet in parts with what looked like moss growing on it. I was slowly passed by a mountain bike here but I didn't care.
Out onto the Louisburgh to Westport road. What a brilliant moment, my wife and son were there to cheer me on. "Go on Dad, Go on Dad" A total buzz, I even managed a high five with my son as he ran along at full gallop. Good road and only a few miles to the finish - Way Hay - I went into road bike mode. As soon as I got wound up to a proper speed I lashed past that bloody mountain biker who had overtaken me a few minutes earlier - pass me would ya, take that - hard left and full pelt to Westport House.
I was alone along the last couple of miles. Small groups and individuals were dotted along the road cheering and clapping. It was great encouragement. I though I was Lance Armstrong - well without the drugs - unless yesterdays Guinness is a banned substance. Through the gates of Westport House, along the coned off path, I passed a few competitors here - not because I was flying but they were going slow - a steward flagging cyclists to slow down before a left turn, at this point I was expecting to take the left and pass over the timing mat. I was surprised to find a steward directing me to a bike transition area - Ahh shit another change to go.
Nothing different at this transition, I sort of plodded to a vacant spot on the bike rack and hooked up the bike. I started to run towards the finish line and then the vanity kicked in - bearing in mind that I don't have a head that suits a helmet - I returned to the bike and left my helmet and glasses there, must be photos at the finish line.... Sure enough after the short run on grass I was running towards the large inflated tent like structure that marked the finish line when the vanity thing kicked in again - raised arms or not, which would look better? A bit sad don't you thing. Anyway went with the arms up !!!! Crossed the line at 5.24.20 ish........
This was by far the most enjoyable event that I've been in this year. As it was my first adventure race I didn't know how to pace the stages. On reflection I could have made up time on most of the stages. I was worried about running out of steam but finished with plenty in the tank. I defiantly could have made better time if I hadn't stopped/slowed down to take videos and photos.
I'll know better for next year !!!!!!!!!!
With the exception of one 25 mile spin while on holidays in Dingle I haven't cycled more than 10 mile in one go since the Wicklow 200 in early June.
I headed out through Louisburgh and on to Delphi.
After a while the rain doesn't bother me too much but the wind, the wind is a bastard. From Louisburgh to Delphi the head wind was murder. My intention for the spin was to have an easy ride without using too much energy or hurting the legs, what happened on the way out was that I had to peddle even on the downhills.
Although the picture above doesn't do justice to the surroundings I was very aware of the beautiful area that I was cycling through.
I turned around a Delphi and headed back along the same route. The wind had dropped and the 30mph flat sections were all me !!!!!
Made it back in record time and again glad that I had made the effort to get out today....
Went to the beach PM to try some surfing but the red flags were out and we decided to leave it until another time..
Today was to be a non running day. I really should do some cross-training but with just over a week to go to the Gale Force Race I wanted to get in some off road miles.
I drove to a local forestry track - part of the Wicklow Way - and set off for an easy paced few miles. Although I was taking it handy the hill were steep enough to make me huff and puff.
I stopped once to take some photos. This is one of me with the windmills near Shillelagh in the backround. ----->
Just realised the windmill are really hard to see... Ahh well
A nice amount of down hill on the return, thank jaysus. Ended with just over 5 miles.
AM. 20 spin bike, easy(ish) 10 treadmill @ 14kph, 10 spin bike.
PM. Loaded up the backpack for an easy 5 miles. I had to put the brakes on after 3 miles as I was way too fast. - I've just re-read that sentence, ha ha, "way too fast" love it - I didn't want to be tired or sore for Adidas 10 mile run on Saturday. Plodded the last 2 miles home.